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W Beam Highway Crash Barrier
W Beam Highway Crash Barrier are the integral part of a road that seems to be simple fence which plays an important role to keep the cars from going off from the roads. Their unique W-shaped design is meant to catch the vehicles bumper that helps to keep the vehicle from going over top of the railing.
Concertina Wire
Concertina wires are the barbed wirings that are provided with a series of sharp elements that acts as a blade. These are widely used over the walls and to make fence around the areas where higher security is required to prevent the trespassing.
Razor And Concertina Wire
Razor and Concertina Wires are the safety elements that are used around a particular area and over the top of the walls to create a secure parameters which increases the security level in the restricted areas. 
Perforated Sheet
Perforated Sheet are the flat plates that are provided with a series of small holes in a regular pattern that are used as an architectural element for designing applications such as facades, fixtures, privacy panels etc. and can also be used as a filter to control the passage of air, liquid, light, solids and heat.
Welded Wire Mesh And Netting
Welded Wire Mesh and Nettings are the elements that are fabricated by braiding the wires of different diameters into a regular pattern to make a fence like structure which helps to protect the areas like farmland, government restricted areas and various other places.
Steel Tubular Poles
Steel Tubular Poles offered by us are especially designed for setting up of the street, road and highway lightening systems. They are available in various different designs and dimension as per the requirement of the customers.
High Mast Poles
High Mast Poles are the long cylindrical members that are made of premium grade materials that are provided with a silver coating to protect them from the weather conditions. These are especially designed for the stadiums, public parks, etc.
Thermoplastic Road Marking Paint
Thermoplastic Road Marking Paints are thick chemical solvents that are used to make marks on the highways and roads to differentiate the lanes, to define bust stopping zones. These are available in various different colours with a good anti-fade property.
Eye Delineators
Eye Delineators are the safety elements that provides a clear visible guidance to ensure driver motorist. These can be mounted on the pole, cone and roads to warn driver from a distance of approaching crossovers and flyovers.

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